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I’m terrible at packing. I think I get so stressed out about what to include and what to leave at home that I just put it off until last minute. In fact, half the time I’m throwing things in my carry on as I’m walking out the door. The more I’ve traveled the more I’ve learned the value of a well-packed carry on. Packing the essentials ensures that you have everything you need for a comfortable flight that will literally fly by (see what I did there).

1. A Full Change of Destination-Appropriate Clothes

Let’s face it, flights get cancelled, connecting flights get missed and luggage gets lost. It’s frustrating to say the least. What’s even more frustrating, however, is finally getting to your destination only to realize your luggage is lost and all you have for the next 48 hours is the clothes on your back. Trust me on this one- pack a spare set. And if you’re headed to the beach trade an outfit for a bathing suit. Nothing fixes a lost luggage situation like being able to lay out in the sun with a nice cold drink.

2. A Water Bottle, Bonus Points if it’s Collapsible

Airplane air is notoriously dry while bottles of water are notoriously expensive. Not to mention the little cup of water they give you in flight is not going to be enough to keep you hydrated. Pack your own (empty) bottle and fill it up at the water fountain once you get past security. This water bottle has gotten some great reviews and it’s collapsible too! Check it out here.

3. Toothbrush and Toothpaste

As briefly mentioned above, dry air wreaks havoc on your body. Nobody wants to start off their trip feeling like they have a mouth full of cotton balls. Luckily this is an easy fix with a quick brush once you land. Check out these travel toothbrushes with a folding feature to keep them clean while they’re stored in your carry on. If you prefer to use your own familiar toothbrush, these are a great option for keeping everything clean, too!

4. A Pen

Don’t underestimate packing a pen or two. This is especially helpful during international travel when you’ll have some forms to fill out.

5. Address of Your Destination

Speaking of those pesky forms, if you’re traveling international make sure you have the address to the place you’ll be staying once you get to your destination. You’ll need it when you fill out immigration forms and you’ll have easy access to it if you need to take a taxi there from the airport.

6. Fuzzy Socks

I saw fuzzy socks on a packing list years ago and thought it was ridiculous. Then I packed them on a long-haul flight to Germany and I realized that I was actually the ridiculous one. Two words: game changer. While I would never go barefoot on an airplane, I think thick socks are totally acceptable while you’re in your seat. If you’re going to be in your seat for awhile might as well be as comfy as you can! Try these highly rated cozy socks here.

7. Chargers for Your Devices

It used to be that you would have no use for a charger once you were in flight. In fact, I used to always pack them in my checked bag. This has changed more recently now that planes have started putting electrical and USB outlets right into the seats. Yes even in coach!

Pro tip: Use one of these guys and you can charge multiple devices at once! It also comes with travel adapters that are perfect if you’re headed out of the country!

8. Snacks

If you’re anything like me after a few hours (or one) of flight time you start craving a little bit of a snackity snack. I always pack a few easy to eat snacks like pretzels, trail mix or granola bars to keep hunger away and money in my wallet.

9. Copies of Important Documents

Copies of our documents were so important when my friend’s passport got stolen in Paris. You can read more about that here. Keep copies of your important documents someplace safe just in case!

10. Itineraries

A few times when traveling Europe, I’ve been asked by border patrol to see my itineraries for my trip. Luckily all of those times I was able to pull out a folder that contained printed-out versions of my traveling plans. Printing out your itinerary is also helpful to keep your trip organized and to make sure you see everything you want to see!

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